نت آهنگ Where I stand

نت آهنگ Where I stand

آهنگساز: آهنگ ساز

تنظيم شده براي:

خواننده: خواننده

سطح نت: ساده

متن آهنگ Where I stand

I have seen a thousand things
A thousand minds and what they bring
To this world and to this home
But where I stand, well, I don't know

[Verse 1]
I'm an open book, I'll tell you everything I know
To the darkest corners of my mind
My kingdom is wide
So wide-eyed I can't track the time between the spaces of my mind

'Cause I have seen a thousand things
A thousand minds and what they bring
To this world and to this home
But where I stand, well, I don't know

Verse 2]
I have little trouble walking
In directions I don't know of
And I'm walking and I'm walking blind

'Cause I have seen a thousand things
A thousand minds and what they bring
To this world and to this home
But where I stand, well, I don't know
And people come and people go, people I will never know
But if I did and if I could, I'd wonder when and where they stood

'Cause I have seen a thousand things
A thousand minds and what they bring
To this world and to this home
But where I stand, well, I don't know

نت آهنگ
نت آهنگ

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